Parley Nomarks Anti-Marks Cream


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Parley Nomarks Anti-Marks Cream


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SKU: PNAMC Category: Tag:
Parley Nomarks Anti-Marks Cream.
With fruit extracts.
Ayurvedic solution for fair clear skin.
Extra Brightening agents with Aloe Vera & vitamin B3.
  • Parley anti marks cream, help protect skin from harmful effects of ultra – violent radiations.
  • Gets rid of dry, dull, rough and uneven skin tone.
  • Removes dark spots, dark under eye circles, pimples and Freckles.
Directions: wash your face thoroughly with any soft soap, then apply cream in a fair quantity, on the affected part or you can use entire face, message it gently. Do not use on sensitive skin especially after using hair removal creams, shaving creams or red sensitive skin.
Parley no marks cream has no side effects, can be used regularly for a long time to keep your skin fair and glowing.
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