Raw Egyptian Milk (Kamana) – 50ml


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Raw Egyptian Milk (Kamana) – 50ml


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SKU: REM50 Category:

Raw Egyptian Milk (kamana)
Egyptian milk popularly know as KAMANA, used as a complexion enhancer when used in the formulation of your skincare products like body lotion , face cream , etc. helps to clean and give your whole body a unique complexion.
Key Features
-Complexion booster
-Great addition to your lotion and cream formulation
-Gives a flawless and radiant skin
-Moisturizes deeply to avail youthful healthy glowing skin.
-Helps to treat uneven skin
It reduces and eradicates discoloration.
– Can be used as a base for your whitening cream or lotion, it is raw organic with no side effects.
-Kamana milk has been solely made with natural herbal products like aloe Vera , kamana tree , glycerin and goat milk.

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