Phenylethyl Resorcinol or more commonly known as ‘SymWhite’ is both an antioxidant and a skin brightening agent that is naturally derived from the scotch pine bark tree. It has an excellent ability to remain stable in most cosmetic formulations making it a highly efficient skin-brightening agent. It is best dissolved in oil or propylene glycol.
Benefits:fades dark marks,dark spots, hyperpigmentation, discolorations, evens skin tone, blemishes and pimples due insect bites.
Phenlethly Resorcinol
is compatible with most skin-lightening actives including,Alpha Arbutin ,Sep White, Giga White, Niacinamide, L-Glutathione, Kojic Acid, and Kojic Dipalmitate.
To add Phenylethly Resorcinol powder to your brightening lotion,
• Ensure all your ingredients are ready,
Any base cream skin brightening/lightening lotions work best,
• SymWhite powder Vegetable Oil/Propylene Gylcol.
•You will also require two pots a smaller and a larger one
• Mix 1-2teaspoon (about 5-10 grams) in with a small amount of vegetable oil or PG. Do not use water. Place the mixture into a stainless steel pot, and use the double boiling method. Place the pot on top of another pot with warm water under heat. Mix, and wait until the powder has fully dissolved with the oil (it should not be grainy or powdery).
•Add the fully dissolved powder (with the oil or glycol) into your base lotion until it’s fully mixed together. Add a little at a time, until it’s all completely absorbed.